Trucs & astuces pour un bbq réussi

Get ready to light up your taste buds and ignite your passion for outdoor grilling, because in this article, we'll be diving into the art and science of barbecuing. Whether you're a curious novice or an expert with flames, these tips and tricks will help you turn every grilling session into a memorable feast. đŸ”„

Discover tips for mastering cooking techniques and our tricks for making your moments with friends and family gourmet and memorable. Get ready to take your barbecue game to new heights of delicious perfection.

Tip N°1: Always start with a clean, hot grill

The grill must be heated for at least 15 minutes before it is hot enough to sear the food. Always preheat the barbecue and clean the hot grill thoroughly with a stiff bristle brush before placing food on it.

A hot, clean grill browns food better and reduces the risk of food sticking to the grill.

Tip N°2: Be Generous with Seasoning

Salt is more important than any other ingredient for flavour. To begin with, oil the food (not the grill!), then sprinkle it with salt, pepper and/or other spices on all sides.

The oil will help retain the seasoning on the surface and prevent the food from sticking to the grill.

Tip N°3: Don't limit yourself to just one zone, dare to explore!

Having several heat zones gives you greater flexibility if a food cooks too quickly, if flames appear, or if you're cooking two very different foods at the same time. 

 Treat yourself to at least two zones, one for direct heat and one for indirect heat.

Tip N°4: Adapt The Heat To The Type of Meat

Not everything grills at the same temperature. Generally speaking, thin, tender foods cook better at higher temperatures, while thick, hard foods often cook better at lower temperatures, and sometimes even with indirect heat.

Learn all about the difference between direct and indirect cooking in the Bonus section of this article!

Tip N°5: Don't Crowd The Barbecue, Let It Breathe!

If your cooking grids are too full, your agility and responsiveness will be restricted. At least a quarter of the grill should be clear, and food should be well spaced out so that it can be moved with tongs.

Tip N°6: Keep the barbecue lid closed

It's particularly important to keep the lid closed as much as possible to maintain even temperatures, control the flames and capture the aromatic smoke generated by barbecuing.

Tip N°7: Don't Crush Food

Handle and pierce food as little as possible to avoid losing flavor and color. You also risk tearing the surface of the food if you turn it too often.

Our advice? Turn most foods only once or twice. When in doubt, wait - provided there are no flames.

Tip N°8: React To The Messages The Smoke Sends You

The quality of your barbecue smoke can make or break your meal. If it's black and dense, something's wrong (and there may be soot). The food may catch fire, or the fire may not be sufficiently aerated.

Smoke should make clean, whitish trails. Don't hesitate to move food, open registers or add fuel at appropriate times.

Tip N°9: Don't Act Randomly

Cooking food is not a matter of chance. Sometimes, the color of the food can tell you a lot about how it's cooked. Texture can also give you clues.

But with most meats, poultry and fish, a thermometer is essential. Invest in a reliable thermometer. It will ensure impeccable cooking every time.

Tip N°10: Be Creative!

There was a time when the art of barbecuing was limited to one thing: meat (and only meat!) charred over an open fire. Today, barbecue enthusiasts cook a much wider range of foods.

The methods vary too! Nowadays, it's possible to roast, smoke, bake, simmer and saute foods on the barbecue, to name just a few of the most popular methods.

Looking for new recipe ideas? Find inspiration among our summer barbecue recipes by clicking here!


What's the difference between direct and indirect cooking?

Indirect cooking uses diffused heat, with an effect comparable to that of a convection oven. The result is juicy food. Direct cooking is achieved by the flame under your grill, immediately searing your food.

What's the best type of burner?

We recommend 16 G tube or brass burners, as they retain heat better.

What to do if your bbq won't light?

Check your igniter's cylinder and batteries. Clean the ignition system with your brush. The venturi may be clogged with small insects. Then simply clean the valves.

What to do if your bbq doesn't heat up?

Modern barbecues are equipped with restrictor valves. Before lighting this type of bbq, first open the cylinder Πturn, then wait 3 seconds. Then open the cylinder completely. If you don't follow these steps, you'll only get 20% of your gas supply.

Browse our wide selection of barbecues